

बुनियादी साक्षरता और संख्या ज्ञान मिशन का परिचय

बच्चों की सीखने की प्रक्रिया को समझना : बच्चे कैसे सीखते हैं ?

दक्षता आधारित शिक्षा की ओर बढ़ना

NISHTHA FLN_विद्या प्रवेश एवं बालवाटिका की समझ 

बुनियादी साक्षरता एवं संख्‍याज्ञान में समुदाय एवं अभिभावकों की सहभागिता 2024: Great Prticipation

खेल-आधारित सीखने के परिवेश का नियोजन

NISHTHA FLN_बुनियादी भाषा एवं साक्षरता

NEW Nishtha FLN Module 7: प्राथमिक कक्षाओं में बहुभाषी शिक्षण

Nishtha FLN Training Module 8: सीखने का आकलन A Learning with Fun

NEW NISHTHA FLN MODULE 9: बुनियादी संख्यात्मकता​

Nishtha FLN Module 10: Foundation Literacy and Numeracy Leadership in Schools: A Great

NEW Nishtha FLN Module 11: शिक्षण, अधिगम और मूल्यांकन में सूचना और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी (ICT) का एकीकरण निष्ठा FLN प्रशिक्षण: A Great Way

NEW Nishtha FLN Module 12 : बुनियादी स्तर के लिए खिलौना आधारित शिक्षण

Nishtha-Courses-all-Module-Answer-Sheet 12: NISHTHA COURSE 2024 NEW निष्ठा एफएलएन कोर्स पूर्ण करने वाले कक्षा 1 से 5 तक के शिक्षकों के मानदेय का भुगतान एवं कोर्स पूर्ण न करने वाले शिक्षकों का दीक्षा पोर्टल के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन कोर्स 1 फरवरी से 31मार्च के मध्य पूर्ण करने विषयक I

NCERT के दिशा-निर्देशों के अनुसार राज्य शिक्षा केंद्र द्वारा Nishtha-Courses-all-Module-Answer-Sheet 12: NISHTHA COURSE 2024 NEW के सभी 12 कोर्स पुनः ओपन किये जाने हैं। –

कोर्स 1 से 6 – दिनांक 01 फरवरी 2024 से 31मार्च 2024 तक

कोर्स 7 से 12 – दिनांक 01 फरवरी 2024 से 31मार्च 2024 तक

यह उन सभी शिक्षकों के लिए अच्छा अवसर है जो किसी कारणवश कोर्स पूर्ण नहीं कर पाए हैं या ऐसे शिक्षक साथी जो अपनी कोर्स की सीख को और सुदृढ़ करना चाहते हैं।


The NISHTHA (National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancements) program introduced by the Ministry of Education in India aims to improve the quality of school education through various training courses. One of the key components of NISHTHA is the FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy) courses that focus on enhancing the foundational skills of students.

Importance of FLN Courses: NISHTHA ALL COURSE Answer Sheet 2024

Foundational Literacy:  The FLN courses emphasize the development of reading, writing, and comprehension skills in students from a young age. These basic literacy skills are essential for academic success and overall cognitive development.

Numeracy Skills:  Along with literacy, the FLN courses also address numeracy skills, including basic arithmetic, problem-solving, and conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts. These skills are crucial for students to excel in various subjects and real-life situations.

Overall Academic Performance:  By strengthening foundational literacy and numeracy skills, students are better equipped to grasp advanced concepts in different subjects. This lays a strong foundation for their academic success and future career prospects.

 Benefits of NIPUN BHARAT Initiative: NISHTHA COURSE ALL MODULE Answer Sheet 2024

Another initiative under NISHTHA is the NIPUN BHARAT program, which focuses on enhancing the pedagogical skills of teachers to deliver quality education. This initiative plays a vital role in shaping the learning outcomes of students across the country.

Teacher Empowerment: NISHTHA COURSE ALL MODULE Answer Sheet 2024

Through NIPUN BHARAT, teachers receive training and support to improve their teaching methods, classroom management, and student engagement techniques. This empowerment leads to a more conducive learning environment for students.

Professional Development: NISHTHA COURSE ALL MODULE Answer Sheet 2024

NISHTHA COURSE ALL MODULE Answer Sheet 2024 The program also offers opportunities for teachers to enhance their professional skills, stay updated with the latest educational trends, and collaborate with peers to exchange best practices. This continuous professional development benefits both teachers and students in the long run. NIPUN BHARAT

Positive Impact on Students: NISHTHA COURSE ALL MODULE 2024

 When teachers are equipped with effective teaching strategies and tools, students benefit from a more enriching educational experience. Improved teaching quality leads to better learning outcomes, increased motivation among students, and overall academic excellence. NISHTHA COURSE ALL MODULE Answer Sheet 2024

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